Truck Dispatching

Get All You Need From Our Dispatching Services

Specific Features

You can rely on our dispatchers who will remove all the hassle with carrier dispatching. You can focus on your work without getting distracted by dispatching processes.

• 24/7 dispatching services for your trucks
• Personal dispatcher to deal with
• Choosing the most profitable loads
• Getting reports on your truck’s loads

Our company provides dispatching services for owner-operators and truck fleet owners for years. Once we’ve been truck owners and drivers, and we understand all the problems you face in your work.
That is why our truck dispatching offers are the best solution for your goals to earn more on your trucks.


Benefits of Personal Dispatching Services

• Time-saving.
You can focus on your direct responsibilities and leave us all time-consuming routines.
• Higher earnings.
You get higher rates due to successful negotiations your personal dispatcher holds for you.
• Constant flow of loads.
No downtime and gaps in your schedule. You will get as many loading orders to drive as you can.
• Security of each deal.
It is the core responsibility of our company to provide you with safe and risk-free orders and maintain their dispatching.
• Fair fees with no hidden commissions.
We point out all the fees in the contract before we start our cooperation with you.
• Only top-rated brokers as your partners as we have them on our partners’ list.

What Are the Services We Offer

The first and the most important goal we share is keeping your trucks busy all the time to get profit from them with maximum efficiency.
That is quite real when you get the flow of loads to transport and manage them with ease. That is what we offer in general, yet going into detail, the list of our services for dispatching your trucks includes as follows:

• Support and consulting 24/7. Our dispatchers are in touch with you and your customers around the clock.
• Selection of loads to offer you the most profitable and safe orders for your effective truck transportation services.
• Developing load plans and strategies to avoid gaps in your truck schedule.
• Providing negotiations and parleys with brokers and load owners to get the highest rates and compensations for downtime.
• Documentary flow. You may get rid of annoying procedures of filling in necessary documents for each trip.
• Route planning and control. We offer you to use this convenient option to save time when planning each trip. Get a planned cost-effective and time-saving route from your dispatcher.

Even more, our dispatching services can be customized to provide you with what you need. In case you want to leave some duties to do them yourself, or you needmore options from your dedicated personal dispatcher in Caravan Dispatch, you are welcome to discuss it.


Our Average Truck Freight Rates (Per Mile)

• Flatbed – 3.44
• Reefer – 3.22
• Power-only – 2.8
• Van – 2.85
• Step Deck – 3.3

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