Rate Negotiations

Rate Negotiations for the Fastest Growth of Your Business

Specific Features

Do you want to earn more on freight transportation? Do you experience trouble with finding high rates for your truck driving services?
We’ll keep all the negotiations to help you get more money for your work!

• Fully hands-off process for truck owner-operators and fleet owners
• 24/7 support for every customer
• Highest rates for loads transportation
• Working with reliable brokers and customers only
• Transparent pricing with no hidden/extra fees


Benefits of Our Rates Negotiations Services

• Full security for you and your fleet. We offer you only these contracts we are fully sure to be fair and reliable. If you start your truck transportation career, you may be confused with lots of carriers and brokers. Do not get fraudsters a single chance to trick you.
• Coping with the volatility of the market. Rates in the truck driving industry change rapidly. And the market has its trends and peculiarities. We know them like the back of our hands so we can help you to navigate in this field with no losses.
• Developing your carrier. We strive to make you successful in your business and offer you our services and consultations to improve the state of things as much as possible.
• Sharing our expertise. We have experts whose skills will come in handy for both your successful rate negotiation experience and getting the highest rates from their negotiations for your sake.

Your highest rates for your profitable truck driving business are at your fingertips! Get our services for successful negotiations with your counterparties.

What Types of Services in the Field of Rate Negotiation We Offer

If you want to work with a large income, you will need to take orders with the highest rates. And it is quite real if you cooperate with our company.
In addition to truck dispatching services, we offer the fullest scope of help for successful rate negotiations with carriers for truck operators and truck company owners.

At MK Trucking Services we know how tough it could be to get the rate for your service that will comply with your expenses while fulfilling the order and bring you the income that you want.
Besides, negotiations are always a bit tricky as they need some flexibility and persistence to gain success. That’s what we have for you! Our professional dispatchers and managers know the art of negotiations from A to Z.
That helps us to achieve agreements on the most profitable terms for our customers. You may ask, how can we be helpful in the negotiations about truck transportation rates?
Here is the list of services we provide:

• Experts’ consulting services. We can evaluate your bright and dark sides to highlight the main points of power you can use to get higher rates for your job.
• Our carriers’ database is at your service. We thoroughly collect our pool of partners whom we trust 100% and who offer fair contracts for commodities transportation throughout the US and within its borders. That is your opportunity to get clients from our A-list to work for them with the greatest profit ever.
• Training services. We know that no truck owner has skills in negotiations from scratch. We’ll improve that by offering you our negotiation training pieces. Skilled pros may train you to make sure you can get the rate you deserve from your customers.
Security services and rates evaluation. Sometimes, getting high rates for your job is the dramatically wrong strategy. Avoiding mischief and fraud is not an easy task. We can cope with it by evaluating the risks of each contract you get and checking the carrier you want to work with.

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